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Balancing The Flow

Writer's picture: Shannon ChadaShannon Chada

Column Name: Living In Full Circle Harmony with Shannon Chada

Topic: How Flow Can You Go?

Shannon and Sky Chada in Butterfly Pose

Let’s face it, sometimes it is hard to get those creative juices flowing! While other times, it seems creativity is pouring so fluidly, we are almost dragged out to sea in a tidal wave of passion. So how can we help balance this ever fluctuating flow? Connection, Creativity, Movement, and Breath.

Energetically, our second chakra governs emotions, enthusiasm, sensuality, and creativity. The second chakra is physically located near your sacrum and hips, below your navel, and is said to be the seat of your reproductive organs.

We can often notice imbalances of svadisthana energy when you are unable to embrace self-love, intimacy, or simply connect with your passions. Others may perceive you as controlling and you might feel that life is stagnant or lacking.

It’s no wonder that the second chakra’s element is water. When your creative energies are out of whack, we can rise and fall like ocean waves.

Pure water is the best thing you can ingest to bring your body back in to balance. Also, teas, broths, and foods like carrots, oranges, melon and mangos have blissful balancing properties.

In the depth of these waters there is a sparkling key just waiting to unlock the treasures that lie within this chakra. Invite your wild-child to come out and play! Creative movement is fun, silly and soulful! Take Action! Move your body to your favorite tunes and create your own private dance party!

Reach for your Essential Oils of Orange, Grapefruit, Jasmine, or Inner Child™ blend and join me in these Groovy Sacrum Movements –

·Ida Nadi breathing: Take time to breeeathe through the motions and the big emotions. We can literally shift the flow quickly by connecting to our breath. This breath technique opens up the second chakra and brings forth lunar energy. Simply close your right nostril with the first two fingers of your right hand and inhale and exhale through the left nostril, only for 8 to 10 breaths.

Seated pelvic circles: Sitting in a cross-legged or half-lotus pose with your hands on your knees, make circles with your torso. Go around in one direction 7 times and then switch directions.

Baddha konasana (butterfly pose) with forward fold: In a seated position, bring the bottoms of your feet together. Let your knees drop to the sides and bring your heels in close to your pelvis. Lengthen the torso and fold forward. Slowly raise your torso back up and bring hands on hips, bringing the elbows out wide, and move legs like flapping butterfly wings gently. VAM Chant: The mantra sound that corresponds to the sacral chakra is the sound VAM. Sacral chakra vibrations respond well to sound and will align with VAM chanting. The color for the second chakra is orange and the gemstones for this chakra are carnelian, orange calcite, or hematite.

Shannon Chada is a Holistic Spiritual Practitioner of Full Circle Harmony Ministry with 15+ years of experience as a Reiki Master Teacher/ Energetic Healer since 2000, Sacred Ceremony Facilitator, Certified Yoga Instructor since 2006 and YL Essential Oil Educator & Distributor #881454. Find her classes and services at

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